
Working to help iterate on designs as we work on pushing out the iOS and Android apps. Properly outline user journeys and create a repeatable design system.


8 months




Adobe XD


UI & product design



VP of Technology, WorkMerk

Head of Engineering, WorkMerk


Who Is WorkMerk For?

WorkMerk - Personas.png

Research Insights

Improve the worker experience

Assist personnel with timely changes in tasks critical to the overall success of an organization

Provide real-time, actionable information

Provide managers historical and daily data so they can effectively plan and manage their workplace

Encourage good habits

Improve staff efficiency and productivity and provide ongoing training


Creating a Scalable System

Engineering proposed early on that they would implement a modular system. Their goal was to build out their MVP farely quickly so the designs had to be easy to build.


The Challenges

Gain buy-in from stakeholders on building a design system

A design system offers a library of visual styles and components. Also, documentation instructing the guidelines and usages of said components. But the initial investment takes up lots of resources and time.

Reduce engineerings time spent on making design decisions

It was important to provide a framework where the visual directions and the style of the UI were consistent. By doing so, engineering could confidently make design decisions for less intensive features and meet the deadlines.


Designing Solutions Across the Journey

We discussed whether each feature supported a large use case that would improve the user experience. With each feature, we examined what were the best practices to simplify the user flow. We stripped out unnecessary information, simplified content, and chunked similar content together so users were viewing the most important information before decision making.


Thanks for reading!

Curious about more? Onward to the next project: Advance Auto Parts